• Aktywni zdobywaja doswiadczenie

    Zespol Szkol nr 2 im. Karola Miarki w Pszczynie POLAND 7th November – 2nd December 2016 Project number: POWERVET-2016-1-PL01-KA102-024700 Once again, the group of young and talented informatics had visited us to have their internships for a period of 1 month. They worked hard, enjoyed themselves quite a lot, visited the most

  • Erasmus+ Youth in Action

    “Manager of Your Own Destiny”

    Associazione di Promozione Sociale “Futuro Digitale” ITALY 22th – 28th October 2016 Project number: 2016-1-IT03-KA105-008390 The project has been founded by Italian organization “Futuro Digitale” located in Rossano, Italy. They coordinated the training for young people between 18-30 years old about entrepreneurship. There were five partners involved: lmond Vocational Link Ltd. in the

  • “Getting more Experience in the Field of Vocations”

    Váci SZC Király Endre Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és Kollégiuma, HUNGARY 25th September – 23rd November 2016 Project number: 2016-1-HU01-KA102-022601 For the first time ever we were able to host a group from Hungary. 6 students from the area of mechanics had visited us for a one-month long internship. They showed great responsibility

  • “Young European – a mobile, broadly educated professional”

    Zespół Szkół nr. 2 w Starachowicach, POLAND 11th – 24th September 2016 Project number:  2015-1-PL0l-KAI02-016123 For the second time in this project we had a pleasure to host a group from lovely Starachowice. 17 students from the area of logistics had visited us to broaden their practical knowledge while having