“Go graduates/ Absolwenci na start”
Name of the sending institution: Fundacja Wspierania Europejskich Mobilnosci EUROTEAM Country: POLAND Dates: 29th June – 27th July 2018 Project number: 2017-1-PL0l-KA102-036496 Areas of internship: mechanics, CNC
„Doświadczenie – szansa na pracę!”
Name of the sending institution: Fundacja Rozwoj i Edukacja Country: POLAND Project number: POWERVET-2017-1-UK01-KA102-036362 Dates: 24th June- 21st July 2018 Areas of internship: cook, mechanics, ICT
Name of the sending institution: South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (REY EUROPE) Country: UK Dates: 9th June – 5th July 2018 Project number: 2017-1-UK01-KA102-035674 Areas of internships: Health and Social Care
‘Zagraniczna praktyka kluczem do sukcesu na rynku pracy´
Name of the sending institution: Zespol Szkol Centrum Ksztalcenia Rolniczego im. W. Witosa w Boninie Country: POLAND Dates: 4th -15th June 2018 Project number: 2017-1-PL01-KA102-036375 Areas of internships: veterinarian, agriculture mechanics, cooks