“Construction Hospitality and Tourism European Work Experience Project ” – group 2
Name of the sending institution: Leicester College (REY EUROPE) Dates: 08/02-06/03/2019 Project number: 2018-1-UK01-KA102-047087 Areas of internships: carpenters, electricians
Construction Hospitality And Tourism European Work Experience Project
Name of the sending institution: Leicester College (REY EUROPE) Dates: 17/01-17/02/2019 Project number: 2018-1-UK01-KA102-047087 Areas of internships: mechanics
„Edukator 2020”
Name of the sending institution: Gmina Dąbrowa Dates: 17/01/2019-21/01/2019 Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA101-049578 Areas of internships: teachers ICT training
“Nasza przyszlosc w naszych rekach- praktyki zagraniczne uczniow CKP w Jastrzebiu Zdroju”
Name of the sending institution: CKP w Jastrzebiu Zdroj Dates: 11/01/2019-08/02/2019 Project number: 2017-1-PL01-KA102-037265 Areas of internships: analysts, ICT