“Międzynarodowa edukacja językowa i cyfrowa nauczycieli kluczem do profesjonalizmu zawodowego”
Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 2 im. Ks. Stanisława Szpetnara
POLAND 31st July – 4th July 2017
Project number: POWERSE-2016-1-PL01-KA101-024307
Eight lovely teachers had visited us for a one week-long ICT training. We learnt how different ICT tools such as dropbox, google forms, moodle etc can be applied in the classroom to facilitate the learning experience for students and teachers. In their free time, the group has visited Porto and Braga/Guimaraes with our lovely guide Elisabete. We believe that they learnt a lot and had a great time in Portugal. See you again next year!